Monday, March 23, 2020

Sustaining Resilience

The concept - and need for - personal and organizational resilience has never been more critical than now.  But right now THIS feels very personal.  The reality of COVID-19 has levelled the human playing field.  Without a doubt those with means may have some advantage in isolating and in not having to worry (as much) about financial implications in either the short- or long-term.  Outside of that, however, COVID-19 seems to care less about the size of your wallet and more about who you may have been associating with, your age and other underlying health conditions.  Once you get it, it seems pretty apparent that even if could afford to have your own critical care team, intensive care unit and respirator the outcome is still a roll of the dice.

What have I seen so far?  I've seen friends and family scrambling back from overseas trips, worried that borders might close or flights might disappear before then can get home.  I've seen places we've stayed in Italy on the brink of bankruptcy - honest, hardworking small business owners who may be - have been- devastated by this plague.  I've talked to many of my coaching and consulting clients and heard their anxiety for themselves, their families and their livelihood.  And we've only just begun this journey.

For myself, I've seen a slew of cancellations - even of virtual events - as people look to ensure compliance with public health directives or just get strongly focused on core business and family priorities.  I'm now mostly working from home, partly because both school and daycare for my two youngest children have been cancelled.  I'm a home-based business, entrepreneur and daddy daycare now!  I keep in contact with my 79-year old mother who lives in another province - making sure she lives safely.  I've seen my oldest daughter "graduate" her latest university course in March - versus April.  And my wife - being a registered nurse and health care leader - has now gone full-in as a leader in a senior's living complex.  I'm all in. There are no bystanders in this thing.

So how can we maintain some sense of balance and resilience at this time? I could give you a very strong "academic" formula for that as could others.  But I believe at this time that we more practical guidance, suggestions and developing lessons on how to make it through right now.  And that's not to say that I have THE answers.  I don't.  I've had plenty of anxiety if not panic attacks and sleepless nights as I contemplate what is around the corner and how long this road is going to be. So what am I doing to sustain my resilience (and save my sanity)?

Batten down the hatches - I've started to anticipate that my business revenue is going to go down.  Do I know that for sure?  No.  But I'm not going to be complacent about it.  So some of the first things that I did was take advantage of the tax holiday declared by our governments.  Stop or slow the pace on those payments.  Second, I stopped salary payments to myself and my wife/co-founder.  We will take a more measured approach to our expenditures - we are not in normal times.  Finally, I assessed the rest of our expenditures.  Overall, I tried to take the pressure off of us right now even if the bank account was fine to make those payments.  I don't know what the future holds so lets slow the pace.

Plant Seeds I- my view of the world may not be as bleak as I think it is.  Time will tell.  One of the first things I believed was at play in the broader world was that as people self-isolated the need for socialization and connection would be stronger than ever.  So I started a "group-coaching" offering and this week it kicks off with at least a half dozen "clients" coming together to share challenges, options and hope for the future.  And I'm not currently charging for this effort.  However, my offering was heard by at least one organization and they are now asking me to undertake a similar effort for their leaders with some compensation attached.

Plant Seeds II - never let a good crisis go to waste?  As one client reaches out and requests some support for their leadership and staff at this time it begs the question "what about others"?  Additionally, now may be a great opportunity, while business is at a slower pace, to invest the time in your own or other's personal development. So I've come up with a whole series of virtually-delivered options and various iterations of leadership/staff support and development options and put them out "to the world"...In some cases these are very much of the group coaching nature with between 6 and 10 participants.  In other cases it has been a series of lunch-and-learn topics - again focused on limited numbers to promote interaction - being very focused on the reality of the day (e.g., resilience, leading through crisis, building and sustaining teams, etc.).  Not every one of these will land with everybody, but planting seeds.

Sharpen the Ax - idle hands are the devil's playground?  And your mind is a dangerous place to go alone?  I could drive myself crazy if not focused on some task or objective.  I'm a very goal-driven and achievement-oriented individual.  So I need to create meaningful work if I am not otherwise engaged.  Right now this means reading and creating.  There are numerous projects that have been on the back burner that are necessary for the long-term success of BreakPoint Solutions.  So now is a great time to create.  It's happening now.  And the fruits of this may be seen as early as this month and certainly within this year.  Learn.  Develop.  Create.

Stay Healthy - I'm not losing track of my physical health at this time.  With the support of my family I made a commitment last year to return to Ironman Canada.  It's certainly debatable whether the event scheduled for August 30th will take place and lead up events are in even more jeopardy.  Training may be more challenging with gyms and pools close and team training sessions cancelled.  But I persevere and right now I'm on track to have lost nearly 35 pounds between Christmas and Easter. The bike strength and running strength are growing apace.  Positive path forward!

Future Focused/Non-Catastrophizing - there is a lot that I could worry about.  And I do.  But I'm also trying to keep focused forward and hold on to or create a positive future vision for myself, my family and the business.  What does that mean?  For one thing continuing to invest in my skill set - just came off of a webinar last week and got some new ideas.  In May I start the final course to complete my Graduate Certificate in Advanced Coaching Practices.  I continue to plan and remain hopeful about meeting friends in New Mexico in November of this year.  And I'm planning on a return to Europe next year to check back in with new found friends and experience history.

Stay Distracted - it definitely can't all be work right now.  We need to have some healthy distraction, particularly in these challenging times.  For me that does mean more reading - but not work-related.  It certainly means the Ironman training noted above.  It also means some decidedly geeky pursuits.  May the Force be With You!  Find fun.  Make fun.  Build fun.

Stay Inspired - I have a whole lot of very personal reasons to sustain me and keep me level.  My family.  I need to stay strong and focused for them.  I need to help them be optimistic about the future even if right now we need to keep distance from boyfriends, postpone 7th and 10th birthday parties and/or reconfigure them, and have wedding anniversary dinners done in house with no babysitter.  There is still a strong future ahead and we all have something and someone to work for.  And once we get through this - and we will - we will definitely be the stronger for it.

Those are some of my strategies to maintain personal resilience.  I REALLY would like to hear what some of your strategies are.

Please share your stories with me at or through our website at or look me up on LinkedIn.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Stay resilient.


Greg Hadubiak, MHSA, FACHE, CEC, PCC
President & Founder - BreakPoint Solutions 

Helping leaders realize their strengths and enabling organizations to achieve their potential through the application of my leadership experience and coaching skills. I act as a point of leverage for my clients. I AM their Force Multiplier.

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